Find a Member

Coaches, Trainers, Agents and Academies:

Update your location at any time, from anywhere in the world. Alert members to your availability and presence.  Members may search from a specific location with a range from 1 mile up to 100 miles. Search may be conducted by name, location or Certified Member status. 

Athletes and Guardians:

Find a Coach, Trainer or Academy. . . anywhere in the world knowing that they have the flexibility and capability to provide their services with deferred compensation. The search engine will provide you a list of GTP Certified Members whose resume you may then review to solicit for business.

Archived Records

300 Coaches claim to have worked with Serena Williams. 
Want to know the five (5) who actually have?

GTP eliminates the culture of having a picture, a story or hearsay to serve as a resume.

Publicly archived records under each members profile tab titled (Past Clients) displays lists of who has actually worked with whom and for how long. Athletes can give Coaches credit for the work he or she may have contributed to their growth by executing a GTP Contract. Athletes may peruse past records and solicit references from other members. 

Coaches, Trainers and Academies: Self promotion can be a thing of the past. Have records for the world to see of who you have developed and trained. History is now recorded and visible for all to see. 

Athletes and Guardians: May now make educated and informed decisions as to who may be the best Coach, Trainer or Academy for themselves.

Classifieds Ads

Athletes and Guardians: Notify the GTP community when the services of a Coach, Trainer or Academy are required along with requested duration and location. Stop unsolicited requests and unwanted advances.

Coaches, Academies and Trainers: Respond to Athlete and Guardian classifieds and post news of upcoming availability and opportunities within your organization or for yourself.

Agents: Alert the community to exclusive client relationships, new sponsorships opportunities and new signings.

Message Board

With three (3) Message Board forum topics, Certified Members will be kept up-to-date on the newest features being added to GTP,  have the ability to debate and discuss hot topics and offer suggestions as to how GTP may enhance their site to ensure equality, fairness and accountability are enforced. 

Your voice matters and we want to hear it!

GTP Certified Contracts

GTP has 5 digitally automated Certified Contracts that may be initiated directly from every Members profile.

  • Amateur Contracts:
  • Engagement Contracts:
  • Engagement+ Contracts:
  • Agent Initiated Contracts:
  • Minor Engagement Contracts:

Coaches Collective/My Collective

GTP’s loan tracking software keeps up to date records of total outstanding Collective accrued by each Member. Responsibilities are clearly defined and understood of how to conduct and receive reimbursement. The Coaches Collective™ provides protection and conflict solutions for Members across the Globe. The Collective is conceived by you the Certified Member. Each Member is individually responsible for fulling your Collective responsibilities. Take control of your career today!

Your own private portal. My Collective

Through each Member’s own private portal (that only you may access) are ledgers keeping track of all executed Contracts and their deferred amounts. These amounts are displayed for only you to view. Coaches build the equivalent of an annuity for yourself. Athletes and Guardians use the Collective as a “loan.”

Deferred Payments for Clients

Education, Education, Education!

Would you buy a house or car with all cash?

Most would advise, take a mortgage at a 30 year 3.5% fix and allow your money to work for you. Athletes and Guardians may keep money in their pocket today and use that money to work for you in other ways.  Do not nickel and dime your or your child’s career. Invest in your future with training from a Coach, Trainer or Academy of your choice that you need and want today. Compensate those Providers in the future.

Sweat Equity Financing

Amateur Contract: Coaches, Trainers and Academies are paid through a five (5) year payment plan by Certified Guardians at 3.5% per quarter beginning one (1) year from the conclusion of the calendar quarter from when service was completed. A 4% interest rate per year applies for any outstanding Collective. No prepayment penalties. At the conclusion of the fifth year, a one time balloon payment will be made to satisfy the remaining Collective. Should a Guardian have made timely payments, GTP (at their discretion) may extend this payment plan.

Engagement or Engagement+ Contracts: Coaches, Trainers and Academies are compensated on 15% of future earnings of an Athlete (prior to taxes and withholdings)…for services they have provided only. Nothing is in perpetuity. For example, if an Academy worked with an Athlete for two (2) weeks for $1000 deferred compensation and that Athlete was to win $50,000.00 ($USD) in a tournament, that Athlete is required to pay ONLY $1000 back to the GTP not $7500. This $1000 less GTP’s percentage will then be pushed directly to the Academy.

Resume Perusal

“Word of mouth” is how most find a Coach, Trainer or Academy.  Just because a coach is great for one, does not make him or her the best Coach for you. Take your time, peruse resumes and sample different Coaches with no exclusivity requirements. Through GTP you will never owe anyone a favor! 

Begin writing your own script today.

Conflict Resolution

Although GTP prides itself on accountability and ethics, it would be naive of us to believe that discrepancies will never arise. In the event they do, we solve them, with a blue print that has been conceived from personal experience.

GTP will serve as an independent third party mediator to ensure proper conflict resolution. Should that not work, GTP will escalate matters into Phase 2 enforcement to ensure what has been promised is honored.

Let GTP’s experienced staff handle all of your headaches. We eliminate the fiscal hardships while simultaneously letting everyone focus on their craft.

We have done this at ALL LEVELS!